ICON 6 | EP. 16 | Am Tisch der Wölfe: Dein Weg endet hier...

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➤ Jetzt Tickets für das ???????????????? ???????????????????? sichern:

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Biggie, Mowgli & Hassuna - Columbiana

Baci, Nebbo & Don Lion - Ma Bella

Dino, Pano & Cali - Speedboat

Dorian, Albozz & Ilo - Tirana

Mufasa069 - Michael Jackson

Dino - Pardon

➤ ????????????????????????????: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3oq7A0430zR0CAlUbF9oy7?si=stI_AbmyTwOu32cKkhrZ7g

➤ ???????????????? ???? ????????????????????????????????????: https://app.icon-music.de/

➤ ???????????????? ???? ????????????: https://iiicon.shop/collections/icon-6-finale/products/icon-6-box
- Boxinhalt 1: LTD. Backstage Gewinnspiel & VIP Pass für das Live Event
- Boxinhalt 2: Exklusives ICON 6 Trikot
- Boxinhalt 3: ICON 6 Sampler & ICON Bars Allstars EP

➤ ???????????????? ???? Team-Shirts: https://iiicon.shop/collections/teams

➤ ???????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????: https://iiicon.shop/collections/equipment

➤ ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????: https://discord.gg/ICONxMADE

➤ Weiteren exklusiven Icon 6 Content findet ihr auf dem Kanal von Bzet: https://www.youtube.com/@UCN-T-YL578lcsUPd0t_52Fw

???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????:
00:00 ICON 7 Anmeldung
00:06 Hype Level
00:19 Rückblick Ep 15
00:50 Challenge Verkündung
15:39 Baci, Nebbo & Don Lion - Live Performance
19:10 - Biggie, Mowgli & Hassuna - Live Performance
21:28 Team Baci vs Team Biggie - Jury Entscheidung
28:28 Dorian, Albozz & Ilo - Live Performance
30:46 Dino, Pano & Cali - Live Performance
33:08 Team Ilo vs Team Dino - Jury Entscheidung
53:40 Mufasa069 - Live Performance
55:51 Dino - Live Performance
58:14 Mufasa069 Vs Dino - Jury Entscheidung
01:00:03 ICON 6 Live Event / ICON 6 Box

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Executive Producer - Collin
Creative Assistance - Emre, Bzet
Künstlermanagement, Vertrieb & Outfit Design - Dreamhall
Video Director - Visual Films
Reality Director - Chaka Rec
Post Production - BlackCut
Audio Director - Xandro ( Mix & Mastering)
Visual Effects - DJ Service Heinsberg
Head of Security - MSP Security
Organisationsleitung - Marco Seegers
Design & Visual Director - Bleron Veliqi / The VB Agency
Organisation & Planung - Shanel Chien
Produktionsassistent - Sarah Jane Chien
Editing Team - Prathee, Pravi, Dima, Markus, Jano
Powered by - iGroove
Jury - Xandro , Bzet , Emre
Immobillienberaterin : Nejla Bicer / Mexreal

Beat Producers - Zinatra , Maggaz , Spirit , Yung Ares , Paior , El Rey CC
Danil040 , Alkan, LNF8, Skywalg , Sonnek & Tyme

Mix & Mastering - Xandro

Camera Team – Show - Benji, Berkan, Andy, Chris, Daniel, Paul, Paravis, Manuel
Camera Team – Reality - Chaka Zakriti, Moses Sesa, Giovanni Loti, Liam Viejo, Ismael Zakriti

MSP Security - Marco
Security - MCDOOM, Tim
Data Management - Alina
Audio - Praviz Baloochi, Rafael Rothemund
Audio Live Recording - Beatzeps
Pyrotechnics - Yani
Hair Stylist - Berxicutzz
Set Runners - Kathrin Schendrik, Esma Caliskan, Mahra Coskun, Darja Zargozi, Maxima
Emily Gerdt, Miriam, Roman, Gina Maria Kaminski

#ICON6 #RapBattle #Deutschrap #RapChallenge #RealityShow #RapperÜberlebenskampf #8BarsChallenge #RapLegenden #HipHopDeutschland #RapCompetition #MusikShow #RapSkills #ICONS #MillionEuroChallenge #RapTurnier #Raptalent #MusikWettbewerb #RapKrone #RapDuell #DeutschHipHop #RapEvolution #TalentShow #RapBeats #MusicCompetition #RapLegacy #TeamRap #IconRapper #RealityTV #RapRevolution #RisingStars #RapKreativität
Live Concert
Made Entertainment, ICON 3, ICON 4

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