2021 Christmas Festival: The Earth Adorned

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Welcome to the 2021 Christmas Festival: The Earth Adorned. Click below to easily skip to any portion of the program. Thank you for being part of NLC's Christmas Festival.

12:59 - Introduction from Brenda Bartz, Chair of the National Lutheran Choir Board of Directors
15:41 - Program start - Carol - Of the Father's Love Begotten, DIVINUM MYSTERIUM (Public Domain)
17:12 - Reading - The world is changed, Gerard Manley Hopkins
18:32 - Reading - The prodigious lengths of time, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
20:26 - Reading - God is a supernatural, inscrutable being, by Martin Luther
21:45 - Anthem) Creation Suite, arr. Larry Fleming (Musica Russica, Walton)
29:30 - Reading - How are you at once, Symeon the New Theologian
30:33 - Anthem - Winter Solstice Carol, William Beckstrand (MorningStar)
35:08 - Reading - By the words of the Lord God’s works are made, Sirach 42 and 43
36:02 - Carol - O Come, All Ye Faithful; ADESTE FIDELES, attr. John Francis Wade
41:00 - Anthem - Frohlocket ihr Völker auf Erden, Felix Mendelssohn (Alliance)
42:44 - Anthem - Chanticleer, Aaron David Miller © Aaron David Miller.
46:08 - Carol - Angels We Have Heard on High; GLORIA, arr. Edward S. Barnes
48:00 - Anthem - See Amid the Winter’s Snow, David Cherwien (MorningStar)
52:26 - Anthem - Noel Ayisyen (A Haitian Noël), Emile Desamours (Shawnee)
55:31 - Carol - Joy to the World; ANTIOCH, arr. Lowell Mason.
57:04 - Anthem - Winds Through the Olive Trees, arr. Paul Christiansen (Alfred)
59:57 - Anthem - The Orbit Carol (from Rite of Passage), text and music Paul John Rudoi (PJR Music)
1:04:06 - Anthem - Videntes stellam Magi, César Alejandro Carillo (earthsongs)
1:07:05 - Anthem - Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella (from Carols of the Nativity), Marc-Antoine Charpentier, arr. Stephen Chatman (ECS Publishing)
1:08:48 - Carol - Away in a Manger; AWAY IN A MANGER, James R. Murray
1:10:13 - Anthem - Mary’s Child, Bob Chilcott (Oxford)
1:13:16 - Carol - Silent Night; STILLE NACHT, Franz Gruber
1:15:03 - Reading - The Proclamation of Christmas, (Kalenda) from the Roman Martyrology
1:16:23 - Anthem - This Night; O DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE, Johan B. König, arr. F. Melius Christiansen (Augsburg Fortress)
1:19:33 - Reading - The Infinite a sudden guest, Emily Dickinson
1:19:48 - Anthem - All Earth is Hopeful, Toda la Tierra (All Earth is Waiting), Alberto Taulé & Tirso Vaquero, TODA LA TIERRA, newly composed by David Cherwien (MorningStar)
1:22:37 - Reading - Nature’s decorations glisten, Christopher Smart
1:23:35 - Carol - Of the Father’s Love Begotten; DIVINUM MYSTERIUM (Public Domain)
1:27:01 - Reading - A wonder is Thy mother, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, trans. Rev. John Brande Morris, adapt. Susan Palo Cherwien
1:27:55 - Anthem - All of Creation Rejoices, Pavel Chesnokov (Musica Russica)
1:31:46 - Reading - i thank You God for most this amazing day, e.e. cummings
1:32-58 - Anthem - Tonight Eternity Alone, Rene Clausen (Shawnee)

Under the direction of nationally known conductor, composer and organist Dr. David Cherwien, the 64-member National Lutheran Choir’s artistry is rooted in its mission to strengthen, renew and preserve the heritage of sacred choral music through the highest standards of performance and literature. Learn more about the National Lutheran Choir: http://www.nlca.com/

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Choral, Choral music, National Lutheran Choir

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