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#WorshipMomentsWithSarahK #TuesdayWorshipMoments #SarahK
Tuesday Worship Moments Live.
For Support & Love offering Mpesa: Till Number - 520087 or
Equity Paybill: 247247, Account: 955000# Offering, Tithe, Partners etc
or send to 0712441129.
Paypal :
#BackToTheRootOfWorship SHARE...!!
Disclaimer; We don't own rights to some of the songs.
#WorshipMomentsWithSarahK #TuesdayWorshipMoments #SarahK
Tuesday Worship Moments Live.
For Support & Love offering Mpesa: Till Number - 520087 or
Equity Paybill: 247247, Account: 955000# Offering, Tithe, Partners etc
or send to 0712441129.
Paypal :
#BackToTheRootOfWorship SHARE...!!
Disclaimer; We don't own rights to some of the songs.